SEOWhat To Know About Google’s E-E-A-T Guidelines
Google EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authority, Trust) Guidelines

What To Know About Google’s E-E-A-T Guidelines

Why an Additional E is now included in Google’s E-A-T Acronym (now E-E-A-T)

Let’s first talk about what the initial E-A-T acronym stands for and what it means for website owners today. How relevant and helpful is the information you are providing on your website as it relates to your product or service within your industry?

What is E-A-T?

E-A-T, simply correlates to the Expertise, Authority and Trust a website displays for a given topic or industry, and is a set of guidelines that helps websites and business owners understand the steps to take in creating high quality content which, in turn, should improve their search engine rankings. E-A-T is a guideline that was meant to help website owners create content that follows these specific measures and provide the best, most relevant and reliable information possible.

What is E-E-A-T?

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Authority
  • Trust

Experience has been included in Google’s updated guidelines to help indicate the extent of content quality on a topic, which will demonstrate first hand/life experience on that given topic. This is not necessarily a ranking factor, but Google’s algorithm will take content quality into account based on these factors and will rank websites accordingly.

How To Achieve E-E-A-T

  1. Provide High Quality Content 
    • Content should be well written, researched and comprehensive
    • Include cited sources
    • Organize content in a clear, specific manner
  2. Be An Authority in Your Field
    • Strong reputation
    • Reliable expert resources
      • Media mentions
      • Professional affiliations and awards
  3. Transparency
    • Who is the author?
    • What sources have been cited?
    • What potential bias exists?
  4. Professional Appearance
    • Website with clear structure
    • Easy navigation
    • Riddance of spam or deceptive content

How To Improve Search Rankings Using E-E-A-T?

Besides for what was mentioned above, the main SEO factors that impact search rankings, still come into play. From obtaining quality backlinks, ensuring a crawlable site and properly optimized pages to engaging with your audience on social platforms, the basics still matter.

However, in order to achieve the best E-E-A-T scores, user experience and the content that you create all encompass how Google will determine the Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness of your site. For additional guidance,  setup a meeting with our SEO Group as you determine the E-E-A-T strategy.

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